i have a full head of hair and you can't notice and my hair is EXTREMELY healthy too . but i've always been one to lose more hair than most.but lately it seems its coming out like crazy .. after a shower i have to just slide my hands down my hair to make sure it comes off in my hands nd not all in my brush . what's wrong with me ! how can i make this stop ! im woorriiieeddd =[
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
You will be bald before you can drive. Get used to it, chrome dome.
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
it might be nothing, but some things to consider...are you eating a healthy diet?...not dieting or starving yourself?...do you feel ok otherwise?...if your hair is long, it could just look like you are losing more...if in doubt, see a dr...
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
go to a dermatologist or doctor
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
You need to talk to a doctor. There's no need to be scared. It could be a normal thing or it could be a health issue (such as a thyroid problem). Just get it checked out, better safe that sorry. : )
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
just shave ur head now and save urself the worry... freak
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
well im 15 n my hair falls out sometimes in the shower but if urs is alot i think u should change shampoo or go see a doctor!
good luck! :)
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
don't worry, it's normal!
my sister was bragging about that to me too! she's your age! its happened since a year ago, and she still has all her hair!
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
well i have same thing but if ur worried bout like cancer or something tell ur doctor i have the same prob with my hair
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
it may be something serious, go to your doctor!!
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
It could be an under active thyroid condition. Are you much more tired than usual? Do you get a lot of muscles cramps? It could be a lot of things even if it isn't your thyroid. You need to tell whoever and you need to see a doctor. Good luck.
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
Ok. There is a normal amount of hair loss, but if you are seeing more than like a handful with each shower it definitely is your diet. Sodas and and softdrinks will make you lose more hair than you should normally. Switch to water.
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
I'm not a doctor, but check the below site. If those symptoms match yours, you might want to go see your family doctor.
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
Do you take drugs or smoke? Wash every other day. But brush often. I heard somewhere one time that on average humans lose about 100 strands of hair a day. Easy with heated styling too. The reason I asked if you take drugs is because I used to and it made my hair REALLY thin! Wish I would have made some different choices. Ask your doctor what you can do.
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
I have incredibly thick hair, too, and you should see my bathroom floor after I run my fingers thru my hair putting styling gel in! I think we lose more hair when it's warmer weather, like animals lose their fur and then it gets thicker in cold weather. I finally came to the conclusion that as long as my hair didn't seem to be getting any thinner, and it doesn't, I didn't have anything to worry about. No matter how much I see in the floor or the tub, there always seems to be plenty more!
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
you really need to tell your mom to take you to the docter asap and i will not tell you why just do it
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
try doctor miracle
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
You didn't say whether or not you are a 14 guy or girl. If a girl, when did you first start your monthly? Recently? Hormones, both thyroid %26amp; sexual, can affect hairloss. When I was pregnant I didn't lose any hair- I became 'Cousin It'. I couldn't find my head for all the hair. Doctor said, don't worry. It's normal- some people's hormones go thru predictable cycles during certain life changes that affect retention %26amp; loss. After my baby was born, gobs %26amp; gobs were clogging my sink, my tub %26amp; my shower %26amp; my overfilling hairbrush for a while- driving me nuts. Hormones or poor diet are most likely the culprit but too tight bun or ponytail an option to think about too. Talk to your parents- what may be alot of loss to you may seem like an overreaction to others. Most of all. Stay calm. Panic won't do you or anyone else any good.
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
i have the same thing, ive spoken to hairdressers and doctors about it. if you see the white follical at the end then it's being pushed out by another hair so dont worry. if you dont then its breaking and you'll need to use different hair products. cancer doesnt make you hair fall out, chemo does.
I'm only 14 and im losing hair like crazy.more than usual !?
here are some tips to stop hair loss:
Taking Care of Hair
Vitamins for hair growth
Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss
Reduce Hair Loss With A Thorough Head Massage
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